
Sportsteam in red jersey's together in a huddle

The Community of Sports

Sports play such a big role in society. From children of young ages to professional athletes, sports serve as a form of entertainment.
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Seeking Calm in the Storm

Recently, we've been surrounded by so many unsettling experiences. It’s hard not to be weighed down with anxiety and fear. Those are the times when we need to turn to God for comfort.
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The Vocation That Suits

Leopold Mandić (1866-1942) wanted to reunite Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox Christians, and became a Capuchin friar as a step toward that desire.
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Abide with Me

Jesus knows what it feels like to be abandoned, to be cast out by friends, to be left alone to pick up the pieces. He knows this all too well, having experienced this deep wound of abandonment.
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Daybreak Devotion

Today, think of how the light returning in your life each day is a miracle to behold. See how you can bring more joy early in your day—why wait?
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The Gift of a Leaf

Pick up a leaf and examine it closely. Spend a few minutes imagining where it’s been and what gifts it provided. Then think of one simple thing you could do today to help protect the environment.
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Look Beyond the Mirror

Sometimes when we look in the mirror, we say things to ourselves that we would never say to someone else. We find all of our flaws, all of the things that we wish were different.
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