This Tabernacle
The word tabernacle, a word found in Scripture, isn’t one we use every day. Yet it has beautiful music to it, and a cherished meaning for us as follows of Christ.
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The word tabernacle, a word found in Scripture, isn’t one we use every day. Yet it has beautiful music to it, and a cherished meaning for us as follows of Christ.
We return over and over to the same place, a connection to the unswerving, the unchanging: God.
The Franciscan way encourages us to be present to love—right here, right now.
What do you want clarity on right now? Sometimes it takes such patience in prayer, waiting for guidance, of choices we need to make, things we might need to say to a loved one, or paths to take.
Have you known a priest (or priests) along your journey who has helped transform your faith, trust, and hope?
Sometimes we feel at a loss for how many things in our lives age and break, run out, wear down, need replacing.
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