Blessed Carlo Acutis‘ time on this earth was brief—only 15 years—but he showed the world that God’s love does not recognize human time. As you are reading these words, consider what you can do to emulate Carlo’s passion for the Eucharist, his love for God, and his desire to spread the Gospel message. How can this holy teenager be a compass of sorts for our journeys?
Loving God of all saints,
you shared your beloved,
Carlo Acutis,
for only a brief time,
but this young man
showed that it isn’t the time you are given.
It’s about what you do with that time.
Carlo loved boldly,
prayed heartily,
and modeled your love fearlessly.
Let his life be a guidepost
as I make my way.
And let us never forget that
your prophets walk among us
every day.
Do you know of a young person who is struggling on his or her faith journey? Share this prayer. Sometimes our younger brothers and sisters in faith need guideposts—like Carlo Acutis—to show them the way.
1 thought on “A Prayer for Carlo Acutis”
I read that St. Carlo is considered Patron Saint of the Internet. I recently lost all my contacts, passwords, family photographs, and important data stored through my old phone. I have prayed asking him to assist me in finding some of my passwords, in order to retrieve some of my most treasured memories. 2 out of three of my petitions were answered. I offered up daily prayers in gratitude. As a senior citizen, those pictures and documents are my lifeline to joy and memories of family members long gone. I too, have followed St. Francis of Assisi, and was blessed to visit Assisi, the home where he grew up and the grand seminary. By chance we were taken through a part of the courtyard and saw the seminarians walking in silence. I will never forget the emotions felt. So, in an odd way, I feel Saint Carlo and I have that in common. Thank you for any additional prayers you may offer for the recuperation of my family’s memories. Grazie San Carlo Acutis, grazies San Francesco d’Assisi 🕊️🪽