Faith and Family

Faith and Family for April 24: Second Sunday of Easter


First reading: Acts 5:12-16

Second reading: Rev 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19

Gospel: Jn 20:19-31

UNDERSTAND | By Father Greg Friedman, OFM

“I’ll need to see some proof” – how often have you used that expression?

Most of us are quick to call for proof for anything out of the ordinary. We don’t want to be “taken in” by extravagant claims or scams.

So today’s Gospel, the story of “Doubting Thomas,” has a modern appeal. It sounds natural to us for Thomas to want to have his doubts answered with real proof. But Jesus praises those who believe without any physical proof. He calls such believers “blessed.”

This Easter story is specifically directed at us, those who would come to believe in Jesus down through the ages. We welcome the testimony of those who went before us: those who walked with Jesus after his resurrection and went on to witness to him throughout the world. We are part of a community of faith, a living legacy passed on from generation to generation and often given at great cost, with personal sacrifice.

When we hear this Gospel proclaimed in a community of believers this Easter, we can take heart in the Lord’s words. And where my faith wavers, I can gain strength from the Holy Spirit at work in the midst of the community of faith.

DISCUSS | By Father Dan Kroger, OFM

The first reading says that “many signs and wonders were done at the hand of the apostles.” What type of signs were they?

In the second reading, what orders does John receive from the “one who was first and last?”

According to the Gospel, what happened when Jesus breathed on the disciples and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”

ACT | By Susan Hines-Brigger

In the Gospel, Jesus greets the disciples by saying, “Peace be with you.” Capture that message and create a poster or drawing of some sort containing the word peace in as many languages as you can think of. Decorate it and hang it somewhere in your home as a reminder of Christ’s message.

Minute Meditations


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