Lent with St. Clare: Holy Thursday
“She frequently and reverently washed the feet of the serving sisters who returned from outside and, after washing them kissed them.” —The Legend of St. Clare
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“She frequently and reverently washed the feet of the serving sisters who returned from outside and, after washing them kissed them.” —The Legend of St. Clare
Throughout this time, Clare was not an isolated onlooker but one of the protagonists who determined and influenced the development of this religious movement which Francis had set in motion.
We live in a noisy world. Too often we fill silent moments with endless chatter and loud distractions. Yet in silence there can be great peace.
The poor sisters lived filled with consolation, with assurance. They dared to believe that promise of Jesus. They were learning that he was true to his word and their joy was, indeed, full and free.
Palm Sunday marks a profound moment in Clare’s life. It is on this day that, in the middle of the night and with the help of others, she left behind the life that she had known.
For most of us, Francis and Clare are intricately woven together in their desire to bring people to Christ. Many times, one is not mentioned without the other.
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