Serenity of Faith, Tranquility of Soul
Let us pray, let us always pray in the serenity of our faith and with tranquility of soul.
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Let us pray, let us always pray in the serenity of our faith and with tranquility of soul.
Do not be in doubt about receiving divine assistance, and do not lean on yourself to deal with these multiple afflictions that constantly surround you.
Let your whole life be spent in self-surrender, in prayer, in work, in humility, in giving thanks to our good God.
Saint Mary Major is one of the four major churches in Rome known as patriarchal basilicas. It is the largest church in the world honoring Mary. This day is also known as the feast of Our Lady of the Snows because of the Blessed Mother’s intercession during a crisis in that city.
Be at peace in all things, because the enemy, who always fishes in troubled waters, takes advantage of our discouragement to achieve his intentions more readily.
Jesus Christ in such a way that we share in his very own life. In baptism we receive the sanctifying grace that gives us a heavenly life.
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