Creation vs Nature
To speak of creation as our home is to speak of creation as relationship. The word creation implies relationship, unlike the word nature, which holds no inherent religious meaning.
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To speak of creation as our home is to speak of creation as relationship. The word creation implies relationship, unlike the word nature, which holds no inherent religious meaning.
Francis taught the brothers to accept the gifts of God’s goodness in creation and to respond with grateful hearts through bonds of love, care, concern, and companionship.
In some ways our modern lives are easier, but has not this distancing from agriculture contributed to our alienation from creation?
St. Francis told us to “begin again,” but first we need to rebuild the ruins in and around us.
The saints and blesseds are special signs of God’s activity.
Franciscans believe that God’s trajectory in the world is a humble one. God poured God’s very self into the universe, setting it into motion, and also became human through the person of Jesus Christ. So, what are the implications of the humility of God, this incarnational trajectory of the divine, in a world of difference and political tension?
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