
Family poses on the beach | Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

The Reality of Love

I have a confession to make: Sometimes I don’t like my kids. The same thing goes for my husband, Mark, too.
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People drawing a heart in flour

My Kitchen Is Hallowed Ground

Recently, after a long day of cooking, I took to my Facebook page and posted the following message: “In all my travels, I have been to my fair share of holy sites—St. Peter’s in Rome, the monastery of St. Clare, ...
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A path splitting in two different directions

When Your Adult Child Chooses a Different Path

Parenting doesn't stop just because your child grows up. But our roles will change, evolve, and deepen with God's help.
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Faith Unpacked: ‘I Am a Work in Progress’

My son and I are working on a project together. He is trying to keep his room clean, and so am I. To be honest, keeping things clean is a never-ending effort in our home.
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laundry basket image

Living Simply: Clean out Your Home, Mind, and Soul

There is a spiritual dimension to spring cleaning. It has to do not only with cleaning, but also with having fewer things to clean — simplifying our lives so that we aren’t consumed with our stuff or distracted by clutter.
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