Sharing the Word for September 15, 2020

Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows

September 15, 2020
Daily Reading from the USCCB: John 19:25-27

Yesterday the Church celebrated the faithfulness of Jesus that led him to the cross. Today, the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, we celebrate the faithfulness of Mary to her calling to participate in our salvation. This faithfulness involved suffering. It was suffering that lasted throughout the life of her Son.

The Lectionary offers the celebrants of the Eucharist a choice of Gospel readings today–one dealing with the earliest part of Jesus’ life, the other with his death. Mary’s faithfulness stretched throughout the whole life of Jesus.

The sorrows of Mary do not find their significance in the pain that they caused Mary, but rather in the faithfulness that they expressed. Jesus calls us to faithfulness also. We shouldn’t be surprised if that involves suffering.

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