Spaghetti to Straight Path
Our world looks a lot like a plate of spaghetti—noodles tangled around each other, sauce splattered and smothered, making a mess, and parmesan sprinkled on top to cloud the vision.
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Our world looks a lot like a plate of spaghetti—noodles tangled around each other, sauce splattered and smothered, making a mess, and parmesan sprinkled on top to cloud the vision.
The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and she gives her fiat to begin her journey as the Mother of God. An angel also appeared to Joseph in his dreams, which gave him direction and a mission to begin his journey as Jesus’ earthly father.
Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit and became pregnant with the Messiah. When a woman becomes pregnant, rest is vital for her body.
Today, we have Nativity scenes sprinkled all over the world around the Advent and Christmas seasons because of one man’s actions.
We want to experience the nearness of God, but we lack the ability to be still.
Reflect Our Lady has seven sorrows, but we also celebrate her seven joys. These include: the Annunciation, the Visitation, the Birth of the Lord, the
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