March 2019

Dear Reader: To Give Up or Not to Give Up?

A few years ago, a friend of mine told me that she wasn't going to give anything up for Lent that year. She felt that taking a more active approach to the season seemed more spiritually fulfilling.
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public market with bananas

Faith Unpacked: Justice within God’s Kingdom

In his book The Foundations of Christian Faith, theologian Karl Rahner asks us to think about a man engaged in the simple act of buying a banana at the grocery store.
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Weimaraner looks at the camera

Will I See My Pet in Heaven?

The creation story of Genesis suggests that God’s care and love extend to all creatures.
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10 Reasons to Fast This Lent

Fasting with purpose can give new meaning to Lent and increase your Easter joy.
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Brother Marinus: War Hero and Selfless Monk

After saving 14,000 refugees during the Korean War, this captain turned monk is being considered for sainthood.
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Happy kid with arms raised

Psalm 18: Royal Thanksgiving for Victory

"I love you, LORD, my strength..." (Psalm 18:2)
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