Dear Reader: ‘Peace to This House’ 

Peace sign

Francis of Assisi had rather specific instructions for how his brothers should go about their lives. But a hallmark of those instructions, always, was peace: to have it, cherish it, and share it. “As they go about the country, the friars are to take nothing with them for their journey, neither staff, nor wallet, nor bread, nor money,” Francis wrote. “When they enter a house, they are to say firstly, ‘Peace to this house.’” I love that. To me, that is the essence of the saint. 

While Francis is known for his love of the natural world, his mission to live the Gospel to the letter, and his vibrant prayer life, for me, it’s his work as a missionary of peace that I am drawn to the most. God told Francis to repair the house, and I like to think part of that mission was bringing peace to those who needed it. 

With the magazine you’re reading, we are continuing St. Francis’ directive. And as this is an election year, peace will be elusive. Civil unrest was not a foreign concept to Francis, but he didn’t allow it to slow him down, either. Rather, it put a spring in his step to bring peace to every house he visited. 

We hope you find a measure of peace today—in your heart and in your house. And if you have it, share it. 


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