Pause + Pray

We Are All Gifted


Many people struggle to answer when asked, “What are your gifts?” We tend to think of gifts in a limited way—intelligence, athletic ability, physical beauty. There are so many other ways we are gifted. Some people can make us laugh. Others listen well. Still others can cook or garden. Jesus clearly tells us that we are not only gifted but we are also called to live that giftnot hide it under a bushel basket.


Lord, I seek to humbly accept the gifts with which you have blessed me.
Guide me in the ways I can live out those gifts.
Rather than hide those gifts may I joyfully embrace them,
and understand that when I live from my gift,
you are smiling.


Select one way in which you are gifted and practice it todayperhaps cooking one of your specialties, calling a friend in need of a friend, or something as simple as telling a joke.

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