Pause + Pray


Light blue and white clouds


Our life’s pilgrimage can get muddied rather easily with expectations, opinions, and norms of society. St. Francis is a great example of how to “unbecome” things of this world so that we can become who God made us to be.


Lord of all creation, the distraction of the world is right at our fingertips.
Systems tell us who we should be,
what successes we should be focusing on,
and how we should be living.
Help me to put the ‘shoulds’ aside.
Grace me with stillness so that I can hear your voice guiding the way.


Sit with this verse from Esther 4:14, “Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created.” Where is God calling you to be his hands and feet in the world today?

Pause and Pray

1 thought on “Unbecome”

  1. St. Francis seems to have been a very free person. But norms are still norms for a reason. So, was St. Francis normal? Well, as Christians we accept being a monk, religious, or cleric as another way to live. But thinking back on my childhood, I remember seeing married people as being normal people. I guess some people are always worried what other people may think, but that is a hell of a way to go through life. I think the important thing is to be oneself to the best of one’s ability and then let the chips fall where they may. Everyone has to play the hand they are dealt. Some things are simply not in the cards for some people. And definitely don’t take on more responsibilities than one can handle. Know your limits! Keep it simple. The name of the game is to get through life with honor. You will never be alone. You will always have Jesus. For me, knowing that I was loved by my parents has given me incredible self-confidence. I also know about God because of them. God bless them. Yes, God gave me to them when I was born, but he also gave them to me so that I can continue to do whatever I happen to do.

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