Pause + Pray

The Light of Your Face

Christ at Emmaus


During the Eucharistic prayer, we hear the words, “Remember all who have died in your mercy; welcome them into the light of your face.” Who comes to mind when you hear this? Can you feel the comfort in your heart?


As we celebrate you
during Communion,
our hearts hold the grief
of those now gone.
As we walk to receive you,
we know you have received
our loved ones.
We can let go, knowing
they are safe and loved,
bathed in the beauty of your light.


Today, look up images of Christ painted by Rembrandt, such as Christ, with the Sick around Him, Receiving Children, Christ with Folded Arms, or perhaps Christ at Emmaus. Spend some time beholding these ethereal paintings.

Read more from Maureen O’Brien, the author.

Pause+Pray book

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