Pause + Pray

Separated by Color

Closeup of person's eyes


“Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness” (Gen 1:26). Sadly, we do not always see each other in this way. Racism is a reminder of our brokenness. Let us pray for the eyes to see one another as God sees us.


Heavenly Father, I come to you as a child
knitted together in my mother’s womb by your loving hands.
Open my eyes to see myself as your reflection.
Remove what blinds me from seeing your image in others
that we may truly be one family in your embrace.


Consider the people in your life.  Are there people excluded from your inner circle? Take time today to ponder why they are excluded and see if you might make room for them.

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1 thought on “Separated by Color”

  1. This the error of sin that blind our eyes, mind, and spirit depriving us from knowing that that we have one father God and one eternal home heaven.
    The creator of us all knows and sees no color as reflected in our body component blood. When any human being sustains an injury or is operated on the blood that flows out is “RED” no white, black, yellow, brown, pink, green or indigo.
    Eternal father, in your infinite mercy and goodness, forgive our sins and heal the world you created by allowing the dew of the precious blood of Jesus Christ fall on our hearts for repentance.

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