Pause + Pray

Compassion and Empathy

woman showing compassion by comforting younger woman


Compassion and empathy enrich our lives, fostering deep connections with others. St. Francis’ compassion for all beings, human and animal alike, stemmed from his simple and loving heart. Embracing simplicity allows us to focus more fully on understanding and supporting those around us.


Compassionate God,
Teach us to embody empathy and compassion as St. Francis did.
Help us see the beauty in every soul
and respond with kindness and understanding.
May our hearts be open to the needs of others,
finding joy in serving with a simple and loving spirit.


How might you simplify your relationships? How can you show genuine care and support to others without distractions or material concerns? Actively listen to those in need, offering your presence and empathy as a source of comfort and encouragement.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.