Pause + Pray

A Faithful ‘Yes’

pregnant woman


Mary’s “yes” changed the world. How might we, too, humbly say yes to God, and then cultivate the mystery we have received? Are we willing to go on that journey?


Help me become more like your servant Mary, who held and carried a mystery bestowed
as she journeyed a dangerous path.
However uncomfortable, shocked, or confused, she did not fold to fear.
She nurtured the gift you gave, then again had the courage to let go,
surrendering the One she loved and raised  to a hurting world
in need of saving.
Through one faithful yes and one willing heart arose grace unspeakable:
the light of the world.


Today, when challenges reveal themselves or when difficult emotions arise, consider what it looks like to say yes to the journey you’re on and take another faithful step.

Stephen Copeland

2 thoughts on “A Faithful ‘Yes’”

  1. Arlene B. Muller

    I am anticipating surgery for pre-cancer/early cancer that involves removal of several teeth, the scraping & biopsy of my gums & part if my jaw bone underneath, a skin graft, & a temporary partial denture plate & possibly dental implants in the future if all goes well. Grateful for an early diagnosis as a result of the early detection of a little white spot on my gum during a routine semiannual dental exam.
    Saying “yes” to this surgery is scary, but I trust in GOD that this lifesaving & that it has been caught at the earliest stage possible.
    I keep thinking of the lyrics: “BE NOT AFRAID: I GO BEFORE YOU ALWAYS. COME, FOLLOW ME, & I WILL GIVE YOU REST.”

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