Minute Meditations

Where Do We See Jesus?

We might find it easier to imagine the first coming of Jesus as an infant at Nazareth than his coming to us each and every day. We know through faith his presence in the Eucharist. We may have glimmers of awareness of a divine presence with us as we move through our daily routines. As we recall the event of his birth, we might pray for the grace to see his face more frequently. The Gospels give us some clues where to look: in the poor, the homeless, the naked, the hungry, the imprisoned, the oppressed. And once we see him there, how can we not do whatever we can to serve him there? This is the grace for which we pray when we say, “Come, Lord Jesus.”

— from The Joy of Advent: Daily Reflections from Pope Francis by Diane M. Houdek

The Joy of Advent by Diane M. Houdek


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