The Our Father expresses our unity with all other Christians. Jesus does not tell us to call God simply “My Father” but “Our Father.” This subtle first word of the Lord’s Prayer reminds us that Christianity is not a religion of our own isolated, private relationship with God. Jesus did not come to save us as islands separate from one another. In reconciling us to God, Christ reconciles us to each other. He unites us as brothers and sisters under one heavenly Father, our Father.
Therefore, the Our Father is truly a prayer of the whole family of God, expressing our unity with all our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world and throughout time.
—from the book Praying the Rosary Like Never Before: Encounter the Wonder of Heaven and Earth
by Edward Sri

1 thought on “Our Father, Ourselves”
Because we are all children of OUR FATHER I think it is nice when people join hands when praying the OUR FATHER together. I see this as a sign that we recognize that we are brothers & sisters in CHRIST & children of our one Father.
I used to love joining hands with everyone praying the OUR FATHER at Mass, but now we are not allowed to join hands while praying the OUR FATHER at Mass. So I don’t do this at Mass but I still do it in other prayer contexts outside of Mass–sometimes Morning or Evening Prayer.
Except for a statement that “it’s not in the rubrics”, why should joining hands at the OUR FATHER at Mass be considered wrong?
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