Pause + Pray

All are Welcome

two women holding hands


There has been much debate about human sexuality, especially with regard to religious beliefs and practices. Instead of igniting a fiery and angry discussion, let’s all take a step back for a moment and remember that we’re talking about human beings: real, actual, fallible, wonderful humans. Our faith says that we should love each other. Full stop. No ifs, ands, or buts. Let’s start there and see where it takes us. 


God of love,
Heal our fractured world.
Open our hearts and minds
to the goodness and rich potential
found in our LGBTQ family members, 
and fellow parishioners.
Thank you for placing them in our lives.
Gently remind us that it is impossible to love someone
and hate that person at the same time.
When it boils down to that,
we know what is right.
We just need the courage,
which you so freely give when asked.
In gratitude, amen.


The word love is mentioned hundreds of times in the New Testament. Pick one passage related to love and meditate on how to apply it in your life, especially to those you struggle to understand or relate to.

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4 thoughts on “All are Welcome”

  1. David Kiester

    Thank you for highlighting this act, commanded by Christ. I identify as gay. After 60 years of actively participating in the Catholic Church, including 5 years in the seminary and a Catechist for many years, I was removed from an active role when my sexual orientation became known. Between that event and the haunting phrase describing me as “intrinsically disordered,” I began worshipping and serving in a different tradition. I know I’m God’s child. I am a good person. I have devoted my life, both professionally and as a volunteer to serving and advocating for those marginalized by society. I completed college at a Franciscan University. I proudly follow in Francis’ charisms. I worship the same God as always, I lead a life trying to emulate Matthew 25. I regret the harm I did to myself and others by denying and trying to change my God given personhood for so long. Pause + Pray is a helpful and meaningful part of my daily reflection

  2. Lord Jesus Christ, all that I have is yours. Take my life, my possessions, my time and all that I have and use them as you desire for your glory. Loving and irresistible God, you draw me into your flame of love, and yet I resist. I pray for the courage to surrender my whole self to you, as St. Francis did, so that, like Francis, I might experience the joy of a life without control, a life that brings the unexpected delights of sweet surrender. Loving God, help me to stop counting the costs and to overcome my fear of loss, so that through your consuming love I may find my true self, transformed by love, ready to share that experience of pure joy through loving service to the world around me. Amen.

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