Pause + Pray

Hope in Action

Very tall trees viewed from below


 “All it takes is one good person to restore hope! “ (Laudato Si’ #71) A personal exercise in hope might be counting the shades of green in a forest, or the numerous life forms that thrive in the ocean, then reflecting on what this vast outpouring teaches us about God, their creator.


Jesus our brother, 
You taught profoundly with flowers of the field,
Birds of the air, water and vines. 
Give us too your reverence for creation. 


“Praised be my Lord for our mother the earth…” wrote St. Francis. Name five gifts you received from the earth today.

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1 thought on “Hope in Action”

  1. David Kiester

    As important as addressing our climate threats to humanity, it should not distract us from loving, protecting, supporting and advocating for all those people that society ignores and/or marginalizes. Namaste 🙏

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