Blessed Jolenta of Poland
Franciscan Media
June 12
Blessed Jolenta of Poland and her husband assisted many from their means. Once widowed, and with two of her three daughters married, Blessed Jolenta and her third daughter entered the Poor Clares. She eventually became an abbess.
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Saint Barnabas
Franciscan Media
June 11
What little we know about Saint Barnabas comes to us from Acts of the Apostles, where he plays a fairly big role in the expansion of the early Church. Closely associated with Saint Paul, he shared in several of Paul’s ...
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Saint Joachima
Franciscan Media
June 10
Saint Joachima was a wife, mother, widow, and founder of the Carmelite Sisters of Charity. Used to taking care of others, she experienced total dependency on others toward the end of her life.
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Saint Ephrem
Franciscan Media
June 9
Saint Ephrem was ordained a deacon, but refused ordination to the priesthood. He was a teacher, defender of the faith, and a prolific writer. He refuted many heresies of his day, often through the lyrics of hymns that he wrote.
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Saint William of York
Franciscan Media
June 8
Saint William of York, born William fitzHerbert, faced great obstacles as Archbishop of York just trying to take hold of his diocese. His ordination as bishop was refused, then it was performed by another bishop but then not recognized by ...
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Blessed Franz Jägerstätter
Franciscan Media
June 7
Blessed Franz Jägerstätter, a married man with children, refused to fight in Hitler’s army and was arrested and executed as a result. Not condemning fellow Catholics who did serve, Blessed Franz felt he had to follow his conscience and resist.
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