Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle B
June 27, 2021
Saint Mark’s Gospel which we’re reading this year, is known for its rich detail in describing Jesus’ healing miracles. Today we have two stories which are provocative as well. They teach us how we relate to Christ in our daily lives.
In the Gospel, Jesus responds to a synagogue official with a sick daughter, and to a woman suffering from a hemorrhage. In both situations, Christ must deal with very human emotions and complications. The household of the synagogue official is demonstrative in its grieving over the young girl’s death. They even ridicule Jesus for his persistence in offering faith. The woman with the hemorrhage has her own long experience with frustration and failure, and she fears to approach Jesus directly.
In both circumstances, Christ confronts the obstacles and breaks through with healing power. That’s what his whole mission is meant to bring: a radical transformation which overcomes sin, disease, even death. Let’s allow the Lord to break into our lives!