Sharing the Word for June 22, 2021

Tuesday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time

June 22, 2021
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Genesis 13:2, 5-18

Family tensions arise between Abram and Lot, his nephew. There doesn’t seem to be enough grazing land for both of them. Abram resolves the potential conflict. He allows Lot–the younger man who should defer to his uncle–to choose whatever land he desires. Abram–the senior of the two–takes whatever is left. Predictably Lot chooses the better land.

The Lord renews his promise of land and descendants to Abram. There will be more than enough pasturage for Abram’s flocks. God invites Abram to lay claim to all the land as far as he can see.

Abram’s generosity to Lot has not made him poorer. God is not parsimonious. He is generous, and encourages those who experience his generosity to be generous as well.

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