Dear Reader: Endings and Beginnings

Butterfly's lifespan

It has been said that the only constant in life is change. We are surrounded by it every day. And while change can be hard, it can also bring forth new things. 

I witnessed this a few years ago after the city of Gatlinburg, Tennessee, experienced a devastating fire. While on a trip there shortly after the fire, my family visited the site of my uncle’s chalet. This place that had been the site of so much joy for our families was now a pile of burnt ruins. I distinctly remember, though, standing at the site and noticing new growth coming up from the charred ground. Yes, change was coming. 

In her article in this issue, “In the Hands of Christ,” author Maureen O’Brien writes about the changes she has experienced while caring for her aging mother, who has dementia. And in his article “The Church’s Best-Kept Secret,” Mark P. Shea shows us the possibilities for change contained within the Church’s social teachings. 

Even we at Franciscan Media are dealing with change. In recent months, we have experienced a number of goodbyes and hellos. Our latest one is saying goodbye to our art director, Mary Catherine “MC”  Kozusko, who is leaving us after six years to take on a new challenge. But at the same time, we will be welcoming art director Frank Gutbrod, who will bring his own perspective and style to this magazine. 

And so the cycle of change continues. As we stand in the midst of it, we say thank you for what has been and welcome to what’s yet to come.


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