December 2019

And a Child Shall Lead Us: An Advent Meditation

This month as we celebrate the birth of Christ, perhaps we should take some time and rejoice in the joy and hope that a child can bring to us—and be open to what that child might teach us.
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Dear Reader: Good News in Bad Times

At St. Anthony Messenger, we play a role in the media you consume.
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2019 in Review

The year has had its graces and its challenges. We should look back before we move forward.
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Our Lady of Guadalupe

This month, millions in Mexico and the United States celebrate their spiritual mother.
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Stars in a night sky

Psalm 8: Starry Skies and the Incarnation

When I see your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and stars that you set in place—What are humans that you are mindful of them. (Psalm 8:4-5)
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Christmas in the Holy Land

Visiting the birthplace of Jesus makes an indelible mark on pilgrims, who describe the experience as profound, peaceful, and joyful.
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