Person lighting a group of many candles

Sharing the Word for July 25, 2023

Feast of Saint James, Apostle

July 25, 2023
Daily Reading from the USCCB: 2 Corinthians 4:7-15

Today is the feast of St. James “the Greater,” so called because he followed Christ before the other apostle of the same name, and was the first of the Twelve to be martyred.

The First Reading for today’s liturgy outlines the spiritual autobiography of an apostle. It’s about St. Paul, but it applies to all the apostles–past, present, future. The apostles are all human–holding their gifts from God in earthen vessels, limited, hard working, reflecting the sufferings of Jesus, aware that all the blessings of their apostolic ministry come from the dying of Jesus and are directed toward the manifestation of the risen Christ.

We are not members of the apostolic college, but we are called to make our contribution to the apostles’ work.

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