Monday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time
July 24, 2023
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Exodus 14:5-18
Today’s reading is about power. There is the power of the Egyptians–the greatest military force in the world of that time. The Egyptians regret that they had allowed the Israelites to leave and set out to undo the decision they had made.
The Israelites are now conscious of their lack of power. ”All we are capable of out here in the desert is being destroyed. We are powerless. We were better off in Egypt.” Moses encourages the Israelites to have confidence in the power that God will give them. God will see to it that the Israelites overcome the power of Pharaoh and his heavy cavalry, his chariots and his charioteers.
God still had powerful enemies today. He still has power to oppose them.