Pause + Pray

We Are Found

Closeup of statue of Mary


During Lent, as we are called to look more closely at the Stations of the Cross, we witness Jesus falling for the first time, and his mother being there.  May this prayer remind you that Mary sees how heavy your own cross can be.


Dear Mary,
Perfect mother that you are,
when your child needed you the most,
you found him.
Help us trust that, as we buckle 
under the weight of life’s burdens,
you come so near to us 
that our sorrows 
also become yours.
And we can keep going.  


Take some time to meditate on the Stations, and see how quickly in the story Mary appears

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3 thoughts on “We Are Found”

  1. Once again I am uplifted by reading this. With Mary’s help I will cope with my worsened scoliosis and do whatever she leads me to do.

  2. Just wanted to sharing this…there is a beautiful meditation on the Stations of the Cross called “Mary’s Way of the Cross” by Richard G. Furey, C.Ss.R. In it, the Stations are seen through the eye’s of Mary. It is a beautiful and powerful reflection. But I leave you to judge for yourself. Peace, Love, Joy and Continued blessings…

  3. We can all identify with the Virgin Mary by our own experiences with our own mothers. My mother taught me the Hail Mary before my first communion. It was a special time in my life. But yet, I have two mothers, one biological, the other spiritual. My biological mother has passed on but not forgotten and I still feel her presence, my dad’s presence too. They are both in purgatory where they can both get all cleaned up since they were not saints. I hope to see them again someday, maybe in purgatory, lol. I will continue to say my prayers.

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