Pause + Pray

Gather Up the Fragments

Hands with fairy lights


In the “Multiplication of the Loaves” Jesus fed the crowd, and when there was bread left over he instructed, “Gather the fragments.” Think of aspects of your past that can still be healed. 


God, if I think about those three words
they call forth all the pieces 
of dreams I lost, 
scattered behind me.
If I turn around and look
those shards still seem to cut me.
But you teach me
that no matter my heartache
you hold it with me–
for me. 
When I let you gather
all that has been broken, 
I feel how your peace restores me,
making me whole. 


Today, envision giving Jesus your regrets and sorrows of the past.  Imagine him gathering the fragments and cradling them so that your heart, in this present moment, can let go and sing and be free. 

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1 thought on “Gather Up the Fragments”

  1. What a lovely message, never to let the pieces of your broken heart cut you or destroy you, but give them to Jesus to become whole again!

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