Pause + Pray

Polarization vs. Alienation

hands with yes and no signs


One of the saddest realizations of our current culture is how polarized we Americans have become—politics, faith, how we treat people different than us. While polarizations are living in camps or opposite spectrums, alienation completely isolates and ignores those who are different from us. Many people feel alienated today—LBGQA+ persons, migrants and refugees, and racial and ethnic minorities.


Spirit of love,
Break the barriers of hatred that sometimes prevent us
from truly honoring another person’s human dignity—
however different from yourself.
May we not be bound so tightly to legalism
but instead be led by justice, mercy, and compassion.


Consider the people in your life where you strongly disagree on various issues. How might God be calling you to work toward unity with those people?

Read more from Patricia Breen, the author.

Pause+Pray book

1 thought on “Polarization vs. Alienation”

  1. Lord Jesus Christ, fill us with your Holy Spirit that we may serve you joyfully and serve our neighbors willingly with a generous heart, not looking for how much we can get, but rather looking for how much we can give. Amen.

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