Pause + Pray

Peace I Leave You

illuminated peace symbol


“Peace I leave you, my peace I give to you,” Jesus tells the apostles. Some days are so hectic and stressful that there is no peace. But then I hear Jesus’ voice, and I know that with him, peace is possible.


Dear Jesus,
I long to feel the peace you offered to the apostles in that upper room.
They felt alone and frightened, maybe even betrayed by your death.
But then you appear, and their hearts are soothed.
I don’t need to touch the wounds in your hands
or put my fingers into your side.
I simply need you to come into the room of my heart
and fill it with your peace.


Use your imagination to come up with a simple symbol of peace. Draw it and place it throughout your home and/or workspace. You’ll see it throughout the day, and even if no one else knows what it means, you’ll still know it’s a reminder to rest in God’s peace.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.

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