Pause + Pray

‘God, Rid Me of God’

person thinking, looking up


This profound and seemingly provocative quote from the great German mystic Meister Eckhart invites me to bring all my theology and ideas about God and lay them down before the immeasurable mystery that is God and life.


“God rid me of God,” Meister Eckhart prayed,
which I adopt today as well, knowing whatever perception
I have of you in my mind’s eye will fall woefully short of who you really are.
I try to find answers but return with questions.
I try to plan my path but get lost on the trail.
I think I know all these things; I know nothing, Lord.
Collect all the names of God, Francis said, and that I do—
laying it all in adoration before you in prayer.


When we pray it is worth considering how we may be projecting our own ideas, or our ego’s ideas, onto how we want or hope God acts in our lives. This is not a bad thing—I believe God truly finds these thoughts and ideas to be beautiful and sacred—but there is also value in reacquainting ourselves with the expansive mystery of God and allowing wonder to stir us once again.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.

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