Pause + Pray

Embracing Our Differences

two young diverse woman talking


The appeal of doing puzzles is seeing the way each unique piece comes together with other pieces to form one beautiful image. The same can be said for all of us. We are all unique in so many different ways—our looks, nationalities, religions, and so much more. It is only when we come together that we create a beautiful image of Christ’s love.


Dear Lord, though we are all created in your image
each of us reflects that image in our own unique way.
Help us to remember that there can be strength and learning
in our differences.
Remind us to open our eyes, minds, and hearts
to the ways in which we are not alike
and see them as opportunities instead of roadblocks.


Seek out and talk with someone who is a different race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, or religion than you are. Ask questions and open your heart and mind to listening and learning something new.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.