Pause + Pray

A Revolutionary Saint—Then and Now


St. Francis of Assisi is a saint many remember for his love of animals, a simple lifestyle, and a joyful disposition. Though those are all true facets of his life, St. Francis also called for a revolutionary change in our relationship to God, nature, and each other. May his example guide this day.


Brother Francis, you gave up everything to be with the poor
by becoming poor yourself.
You embraced the leper, made peace with a wolf,
and repaired our broken Church.
Help me to follow your example and recognize
who the lepers and wolves are in our world,
so that I may also embrace and make peace with them.
Guide me to the broken places,
so that I, too, may repair them.


Read up on St. Francis, even if you feel like you know him well already. Identify one action or quote of his that moves your heart—no matter how small or how big—and try to apply it to your life today.

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