October 4, 2021

Saint Francis is helped by an angel

The Brief Life of St. Francis

The man who longed to be a knight, a man of war, dies a man of peace, at peace with God, with himself, and with all of creation.
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Welcome to My Family

I wish you could meet my family. Our children—and their spouses and children—enrich my life and my husband’s life in countless ways. 
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A Revolutionary Saint—Then and Now

Francis of Assisi is a saint many remember for his love of animals, simple lifestyle, and joyful disposition. He also called for a revolutionary change in our relationship to God, nature, and each other.
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‘Fratelli Tutti’: The Great Need for Social Friendship

Although Pope Francis’ Jesuit roots are solid, in many ways his words and actions have made him the most Franciscan of popes.
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‘Go and Repair My House’

Once Francis knew God’s will, whether from some mystical voice or from listening to the scriptures, he would immediately try to live it out.
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