Faith and Family

A Different View of 9/11

I wasn’t alive for 9/11. My mom was three months pregnant with me when the events of 9/11 took place. From my perspective, 9/11 seems like the distant past, much like the other important events that have happened in American history.  

Most people know about 9/11 due to its recency, but its impact is what I believe is lost. In the same way people born after something like the Vietnam War can never fully understand the social impact that came from it, people in my generation can begin to learn about 9/11 but never fully understand, as if looking at it behind glass at a museum. We are told about the four planes and how they were used to attack points of interest in the country, but never taught the reasoning or the changes that have been made because of it. 

Throughout my life, I feel that national events are becoming less impactful and more abundant. With the power of technology in our pockets, we can see more terror happen and feel less because of how often it occurs. When these problems are oversaturated in our minds, it is harder to see standout problems.  

We are constantly being bombarded with issues and events at a younger age. It has caused many people in my generation to question bringing children into this world. I think it is a problem that has gotten worse. While parents, like mine, would have it as an afterthought and continue to do their best to protect the life they brought into the world, people in my generation are beginning to shy away from being parents, scared of what the world will look like in the coming decades. 

It is a complex issue, but I believe that human resilience will help us get through any problems we face. Every generation has and will have problems, but it is important to work together and overcome them with faith and love.  

What happened on 9/11 was a piece of national history, and we should continue to listen to the stories being told to create a better future.

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