May 30, 2022

Painting of Saint Joan of Arc

Saint Joan of Arc

Saint Joan of Arc has been the subject of many plays and books, and her life is riddled with legend. But we know that she was a very spiritual young woman who led the French in battle against the English. ...
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Artist installs pro-life sculpture of Jesus in the womb in Rome

If "beauty will save the world," as Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky said, then "perhaps beauty can also save the unborn," said Canadian artist Timothy Schmalz.
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Holy Family Mysteries

A wife and mother offers five new mysteries of the rosary, inspired by family life.
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What Do I Need to Hear?

We should all stop and listen in terms of both our faith and our everyday lives. There might be something very important that we need to hear.
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Sisterhood of Saints: Joan of Arc

Until the bitter end this holy warrior was confident she had remained obedient to God.
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