March 15, 2022

Statue of Saint Louise de Marillac

Saint Louise de Marillac

Saint Louise de Marillac had an open heart for the poor. Along with Saint Vincent de Paul, she eventually formed what would become a religious order known as the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul.
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Catholic schools unite in prayer and faith for peace in Ukraine

When students and faculty members at two Perth Amboy Catholic schools gathered together in a prayerful response to the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine, they were unified by their prayers and faith, and their city.
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Everything Changes Except God

Life is constantly changing, always in flux. Luckily God’s love is the one thing we can count on never to change. 
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Lent with Padre Pio: Second Tuesday

The day after Padre Pio’s beatification, Pope John Paul II spoke to the pilgrims in Rome for the ceremony. He spoke of the many blessings the humble friar bestowed upon people.
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