March 2, 2022

Sunday Soundbite for March 6, 2022

As we hear of the Lord’s temptations in the desert, let’s let this very human portrait of Jesus remind us of how we’re called to respond in times of temptation: To depend upon God’s grace and allow it to support ...
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Painting of Saint Agnes of Bohemia

Saint Agnes of Bohemia

Saint Agnes of Bohemia never married, but had a number of nobles interested in her as a possible wife. Preferring the religious life, Agnes became one of Saint Clare of Assisi's Poor Ladies, but not until after she had built ...
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Russian Catholics angered after Ukraine invasion, says official

Catholics in Russia have been left "grieving, angered and bewildered" by their country's invasion of Ukraine, according to the church's spokesman, who also warned that citizens would face harsh economic consequences from the conflict.
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Faith and Family for March 6: First Sunday of Lent

This week, as we celebrate the first Sunday of the season of Lent, we listen to the Gospel story of Jesus spending 40 days in the desert, where he is tempted by Satan.
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Cross in a bowl of ashes

A Physical Reminder of Lent

Sometimes, a person might seem to want to ask what the ashes on your forehead mean, but are too shy or don’t want to offend you by asking.
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