Sunday Soundbite for June 18, 2023

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Cycle A
June 18, 2023

Today’s Scripture readings make today a kind of “vocation Sunday.” The Gospel relates how Jesus calls his 12 disciples after he has witnessed the crowds–people who are troubled and abandoned like sheep without a shepherd. He gives the Twelve a call to proclaim the Kingdom.

What did these 12 men see or hear in Jesus that made them follow him? If we knew the answer we’d have a better clue to our own response perhaps—and be better able to respond to Christ today.

I see clues for motivation in today’s First Reading from Exodus–from the story of Israel in the desert. Moses has gathered the people at the foot of Mount Sinai, where God wants to offer them a covenant. God is looking for their response. The motivation God offers is: See how I freed you from the Egyptians? Remember what I did at the Red Sea and how I got you this far, sustaining you on this desert journey?

In other words, take a good look at what God has done. Can we do the same as we’re invited to a “vocational response” in today’s liturgy? What has God done for you lately? As you attend Mass this weekend, take time to ponder that question—and then make your response to God’s call.

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