Dear Reader: Changing Seasons

By the time you read this, the year will quickly be coming to an end and opening the door to a new one. I don’t know about you, but I have found that the older I get, it feels as if the years are racing by faster and faster. And with each passing year, life looks more different.

My kids, who I swear just yesterday were learning to walk, are now learning to walk into the world on their own. That means growing and changing as a family. For example, because two of our kids live out of town, we have had to adjust how we celebrate holidays. You can read about that new experience in the Faith and Family column on page 48 of this issue.

But as hard as the passage of time can be, there can also be beauty in it. Author Elizabeth Bookser Barkley, PhD, reflects on that in her article, “Senior Moments: Wisdom, Grace, and Courage.” In it, she speaks not only of the challenges of aging, but also of the gifts that it can bring.

As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “Change is the only constant in life.” As we move forward into the new year, may we embrace those changes and see the beauty in them. We wish you a blessed Christmas and new year, surrounded by family and friends.

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