Sharing the Word for August 3, 2020 – Eighteenth Week in Ordinary Time – Year 2

Monday of the Eighteenth Week in Ordinary Time

August 3, 2020
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Matthew 14:13-21

The feeding of the five thousand is Jesus’ only miracle recounted in all four Gospels. The Spirit apparently wants to be sure that the Scriptures give adequate witness to this aspect of Jesus’ ministry.

Jesus’ feeding the crowds provides rich teaching. First of all, it’s an example of his compassion for those in need. It also looks forward to the Eucharist–through which Jesus will continue to feed thousands with his own body and blood. In addition, feeding the crowds anticipates the final banquet of the kingdom when all Jesus’ followers will be united with him in eternal joyfulness forever.

Jesus is a good provider. He takes care of his own in many ways. It’s good for us to remember that and be grateful.

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