Pause + Pray

We Are God’s Own Design


Saint Francis of Assisi was absolutely repulsed by lepers—their smell, sores, appearance. In his time, they were the scum of the earth and people feared for their own health even when passing them. God changed Francis’ heart so much that he was able to embrace a leper. What Francis didn’t know is that God designed the body to serve. When you set out to serve in your community, your body goes on defense to protect you. God designed our bodies as armor for our health so that we can serve his people without worry.


God, remind us that we need not fear when we serve.
Your intricate design protects us completely
that we can go be present with the voiceless, defenseless.
You created our baffling bodies to heal themselves,
so that we can be your hands and feet in the world to heal others.


Remember to thank God today for the miracle of your body.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.

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