Pause + Pray

To Toil or Not to Toil

open hands pasture of surrender


Too often we blindly strive for success, fulfillment, riches, or pleasure. As the Book of Wisdom reminds us, even as they grumbled and complained, God provided his people with manna from Heaven, a food that conformed to every taste. To the chocolate lover, it tasted like the best chocolate; to the nacho lover, it had just enough spice, and to the pizza lover, it was the perfect slice. Don’t let yourself get so busy chasing a dream that you miss out on life. And the one who made it—just for you.


God, help me to slow down,
to trust in your love and your providence,
to know that you alone know what I truly need
and you alone will provide it.
Heavenly Father, I entrust myself to you
And to your tender love.


There is a wonderful prayer called “The Surrender Novena.” Today, when you find yourself overwhelmed by worries, take a break. Let yourself relax for even a moment; collect your thoughts and cares and set them aside. Now, make the sign of the cross, and pray these words: “O, my Jesus, I surrender myself completely to you. Thy will be done. Take care of everything.”

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.

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