Pause + Pray

The Word of St. Joseph

Large flock of birds in the clouds


We have no written words of St. Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. However, when a family goes to the Temple to present their newborn baby, the father is asked the name of the child. The only word we can attribute to Joseph is the name of Jesus.


God, our Father,
You gave Joseph the gift of your son.
You chose Joseph to share earthly skills, lessons, wisdom, and love.
Yet we have no ability to look at ancient scrolls to learn these same lessons ourselves.
All we are left with is the precious name of Jesus.
The best wisdom we could ever glean from Joseph is
how he kept his gaze fixed on you.


Words are very important and can have a ripple effect on you and those around you. Before speaking today, practice a pause to examine if those words point back to Christ.

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1 thought on “The Word of St. Joseph”

  1. This beautiful reflection deepens my hope that we will once again remember the sacred
    space in our Churches and practice more silence and adoration as we gaze on the
    tabernacle home of Jesus and are blessed to receive Him in the Holy Eucharist.

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