Pause + Pray

Ripple Effect


Mary’s response to God’s call affected the whole world. Our grandparents’ “yes” to get our parents baptized has trickled down to change our lives too. There’s no such thing as a “private” decision or “yes” simply because of the ripple effect of everyone around and yet to come. Remember one person who has played a role in your faith life. How did they impact you and others around you? One drop, one ripple in the ocean.


Oh, Holy One, thank you for the “yes” of others.
So many people have made an impact
and a change for the better.
I am so grateful for the cause-and-effect that love has in our world.
Assist me as I make decisions today
that I continue to give a “yes.”


Your “yes” to help someone today can touch everyone else whom that person encounters too.

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