Pause + Pray

Reopening Old Wounds


A stray reminder can lead us to relive a long-ago injury—one received, one given. It’s humbling to recall that we acted or reacted in anger, with ugliness, that we even may hold a grudging memory today.


When you walked the earth, Jesus, you reached out in kindness,
even to those whose intentions were to harm your reputation or your very body.
Not me. 

I have turned my back, I have spoken poison, I have spread bad news,
at times untrue. 

You remember it all, and time means nothing to you.
Reach back, reach forward, reach in, reach out.
Close the wounds. Lighten the scars. Erase the darkness.
Your forgiveness eclipses my small efforts.
Bless my enemies. May they be numbered among the saints.
Lord, let it be so.


Today I will try to picture one enemy vividly. I will see that person happy and blessed.

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