Pause + Pray

Mercy, Not Sacrifice

people holding their hands in act of mercy and forgiveness


In Matthew’s Gospel, when the Pharisees challenge Jesus for letting his followers pluck grains of wheat on the Sabbath, they are reminding him that the Sabbath is holy and that the law requires it be set aside as a time when no work is done, even the simplest of labors. That was one of the primary laws Moses handed on to them. In their eyes, following the law is the ultimate sacrifice God requires. And yet Jesus reminds them that God does not desire our grain offerings, our incense, not even our weekly tithes; the sacrifice God desires isn’t legalistic or ritualistic. It’s mercy.


I offer you today my heart, my hands, my lips, and my eyes.
I lay them all down before you and ask only that you fill me
with your love and lead me by your light,
and let me become an instrument of your mercy this day.


Think of someone who is in need of mercy, perhaps someone who has hurt your feelings or caused you pain. Maybe it is even someone you have hurt. Seek them out in person, by phone, or in writing and offer them a word of comfort. Let your sacrifice of time and energy become a source of God’s mercy.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.