Pause + Pray

Jesus, My Love!

four guys talking, having fun together


I’m always intrigued with people’s last words before they pass on. Blessed Eleanor Arcangela’s (1460–1495) last words were, “Jesus, my love!” Blessed Eleanor only lived for 35 years, but as a young Carmelite nun in Italy, she deeply inspired those around her. Her devotion was mystical; she was often unaware of her surroundings and sometimes levitated while in prayer. Blessed Eleanor Arcangela founded a new Carmelite monastery in Mantova, Italy in 1492—the same year Christopher Columbus set sail; she only held that position for three year. This young holy nun on her deathbed stared at a crucifix and repeatedly said: Jesus, my love! before passing away.


Blessed Eleanor Arcangela,
Please pray that my life might be virtuous also.
Pray that my last words will also give glory to God.


What would you like your last words to be before you leave this earth? Notice your vocabulary for a few days. What words tumble out that you’d prefer to replace? Make an effort to tweak your words; to make a habit of saying words that glorify God.

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